Strata Community Australia (SCA) NSW is calling for nominations for board positions.
Last year, the NSW board welcomed two new women to its ranks – Reena Van Aalst and Catherine Lezer, boosting the number of women on the board to four (out of eleven board members). Reena and Catherine will be retaining their positions for a further year.
With 5 positions opening up, the opportunity now arises for this board to reach gender parity, injecting the diversity required to ensure the board is properly representative of the sector it seeks to serve.
Women are under-represented at SCA board level generally. Here are some figures, based on SCA websites, as of today:
SCA National – 1 of 9 board members is a woman (11% representation)
SCA (NSW) – 4 of 11 board members are women (36% representation)
SCA (QLD) – 3 of 11 board members are women (27% representation)
SCA (TAS) – there are no women represented on the board (0% representation)
SCA (VIC) – 2 of 8 board members are women (25% representation).
SCA (WA) stands out as the only board with gender parity: half of its board members are women (4 of 8).
Just as I did last year, I commit to be personally supportive of, and a true advocate for, any qualified woman who wants to nominate for one of these positions. I am sure the same would be said by many involved in the Women in Strata group: let us know you’re interested and we will support you in whatever way we can, including acting as your nominees, or connecting you with any required resources.
If you are interested in nominating for a board or committee position, then read on. I summarise below the information that is published by SCA (NSW) on its website.
Board of Directors Nominations 2017
Voting for all board positions will occur at the AGM to be held on Thursday 27 October 2016 at 4.00pm at the Hilton Hotel, George St Sydney.
The following positions representing each of the chapters are vacant and open for nomination:
- Strata Managers Chapter (Licensed): 2 positions
- Strata Managers Chapter (Associate): 1 position
- Strata Services Chapter: 2 positions
You can only nominate for the Board position associated with your membership category. Each board position carries a two (2) year term. To nominate you must be a financial member. Any voting member may be nominated for election as a Director for the chapter of which she or he is a member by two other voting members who are entitled to vote and who are members of the same chapter as the nominee.
The nomination must be in writing, signed by the nominee and the nominating persons and lodged by 5pm Wednesday 12 October 2016 via email to Rachel Lynn (
Nominees must provide the following information:
- Introduction and biography of no more than 250 words which includes details of who you are and why you wish to be elected for the position you have nominated
- Digital head and shoulders image of no less than 300 dpi.
- Completed and signed nomination form: click here.
Committee Nominations 2017
All 2017 committee positions are vacant and expressions of interest are being sought from the membership for the following committees:
- Education
- Events
- Policy and Legislation
- Professional Standards
- Strata Owners
- Strata Services
Expressions of interest will be reviewed and recommendations will be made to the Board for each committee after the 2016 AGM. The Board will endorse the new committees at the December Board meeting.
If you are interested in nominating yourself please note:
- All nominations must be received by 5pm Wednesday 12 October 2016 via email to Rachel Lynn (
- Nominations will not be accepted after this time and date
- Each committee position carries a one (1) year term; and
- To nominate you must be a financial member.
Nominees must provide the following information:
- Introduction and biography of no more than 250 words which includes details of who you are and why you wish to be elected for the position you have nominated.
- Completed and signed form: click here.
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