WiS does not exclude. Male, female, non-binary, agender. If you support our cause of supporting women (in strata), or you want to know more about it, or you want to learn something new, or if you just want to have a great time at a truly excellent occasion, you are invited to our events. It’s simple.
And if you work in strata, or property or anywhere that is all about relationships, in any capacity, you do not want to miss our next event. I know we keep saying that, but this is really something outstanding. Get your tickets here. This will be an afternoon very well spent. Your network is your net worth, and we’re going to teach you the art of networking, from the very best. That includes you, male reader. You are invited, and you know you want to come.
We’ve told you about Jamila Rizvi. Best-selling author, media personality (see her on Q&A here – ‘Union Bosses & Suburban Dads’) and host of the Future Women podcast. We’ve told you about how Jamila will present a keynote about how to create great networks, and why they are important. And we’ve told you about how everyone who attends will get to take home their own copy of Jamila’s book ‘Not Just Lucky’ – autographed!
Well now let me introduce you to the first member of our spectacular panel. Clare Ryan. Clare is a Senior Account Manager at one of the largest job sites in the world. She hails from England, but you would never know it (well her accent might give it away) as she has embraced life in Australia with her signature flourish and her contagious smile.
Clare’s success in her job, and joy in her life can be attributed to her networks, and her ability to grow them to include a hugely diverse group of people, while making every person she connects with feel important. The essence of what she does in her career is connect with the right people and cultivate that connection into a meaningful working relationship. The key to a good network is relevancy, diversity and longevity, and Clare has mastered these skills.
Outside of work, Clare spends her time doing all the fun things you could possibly imagine, including leading her band Pandemonium in vocals. A band that was created through connection and networks. Whether she is rocking the stage at Frankie’s or building client relationships, Clare has used networks to make her life shine. Best of all, she is going to tell you how to do it as well.
Want to know how to start your own rock band, and/or how to build lasting and meaningful client relationships? We’ve got the woman to teach you. Friday 16 August 2019. 12pm. Ivy Sunroom. Get your tickets here. Food, drinks, a book and outstanding learnings, all included.
All inclusions with thanks to our amazing sponsors.
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