In the dark ages, networking was something men did on the golf course, or over beers after work while women were at home watching the clock tick past 7pm with dinner going cold on the table. Thank goodness those days are gone.

Or are they?

I can’t help but shudder when I hear of organisations (yours might be one) advertising their ‘sailing days’ or ‘golf days’. Don’t get me wrong: I know women sail and play golf, and it may even be some women’s idea of the perfect day out with colleagues. However, I have a sneaking suspicion that when one looks at the photo montage that inevitably follows, these events are a little heavy on the testosterone.

I’d love to hear your input on this and whether you, as a woman in strata, feel excluded or alienated by such events. If you do, what are you suggesting your organisation does for its next client function or team building day?

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • an afternoon at the trampoline park (I can vouch for this one. This was a great day)
  • cooking class
  • orienteering
  • cocktail making
  • art class
  • karaoke
  • horse riding
  • hot air ballooning
  • wine tasting
  • kayaking (fun for everyone, no skills required)
  • scavenger hunt

Why not suggest one of these for your next event? Just make sure you’re not the one left at home with the cold dinner.


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