Happy 2016 everyone.


If your inbox is anything like mine, over the past week or so you’ve been receiving plenty of emails urging you to make 2016 ‘your year’: make and commit to your new years’ resolutions; find the ‘new you’; invest in yourself; do all things humanly possible to make 2016 a better year than 2015 [and please enter credit card details here…]


Frankly, I find it all a little exhausting. And we’re only on day 5.


Here’s how I plan to start my 2016. It’s not mind-blowing, but I think it’s achievable:


  1. Enjoy the next couple of weeks with my 3-year old while day care is out.
  2. Exercise regularly while energy levels remain high, in the hope that the routine will stick when those levels inevitably drop in a few months’ time.
  3. Create some order in my home. There is nothing better than a clutter free third bedroom.
  4. Remind myself at regular intervals that 2015 was a fantastic year and give myself some credit for that, without panicking about how to up the ante this year.
  5. Whenever possible, find a quiet space to feed the mind and soul with informative and inspiring articles, talks and webinars: by women, for women. These 5 inspiring TED Talks by women leaders are spot on and my recommended place to start.

If you find yourself in a wild panic about the coming year, take a breath and remind yourself that it’s only day 5. Make your own short list of realistic and achievable priorities, even if they only cover the next two weeks. If your list is prepared thoughtfully and with honesty, the things on it should help you to find that little space where big ideas begin to take shape.


And relax. Australia Day is just around the corner.

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