This video has gone viral on social media, and every woman ever will know why immediately.
We live in a world where we feel we cannot win. Cannot get it right. Cannot be right.
- Be thin. But not too thin.
- Be a mother. But don’t give up your career. But don’t allow others to raise your children.
- Be successful. But not assertive. Be heard. But don’t be loud.
- Be sexy. But conservative. Legs out, breasts away.
- Smile more. Don’t flirt. But don’t let a man feel rejected.
- Don’t wear the wrong thing. Say the wrong thing. Be in the wrong place. Because it’s your fault.
- Be a feminist. But remember #notallmen
- Be a lady they said.
No-where is it more difficult to balance who you are, and who you want to be, and who you think you should be than in the workplace.
I am taken back to Jamila Rizvi last year, and how she explained that men will apply for jobs when they are able to match 50% of the criteria. Women will only apply if they match over 90%. That 50% guy, he is getting the job because you didn’t apply. Because don’t be too loud. Be humble. Don’t boast. Be a lady.
Well, I for one, am done being a lady (sorry Mum). I am smart. I am capable. I am creative and funny. I am fat and I am still valuable.
YOU deserve that promotion. YOU have an idea worthy of being heard. YOU are smart and not ashamed of it. YOU have the right to be assertive and call out wrongs.
Anyone else done being a lady?
And next time someone asks you why we need an International Women’s Day, send them the link to the video.
Speaking of IWD, SCA (NSW) still have some tickets left to what is shaping up to be a great event next Friday 6 March. I know Amanda and our WiS Steering Committee members are looking forward to seeing you all there. Register here now:
Roar my friend. Roar and make the world hear you.